Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Silly Businessman

Drinking culture in Japan is insane! When you think of the world's boozy nations you always think Irish, Scottish, Polish... The Japanese never appear on that list, but after living here for almost a year, I'm convinced that they should be catapulted to #1.

There are two reasons for this:

#1 In Japanese culture you cannot say "no". So when someone pours you a drink, you drink.

#2 You cannot contradict your boss or tell them what you really think if you disagree with them. This is why bosses often invite their employees out drinking (remember, you can't say no). At these events everyone gets wasted and grows the balls to tell their bosses what they really think. The next day they apologize and blame it on the liquor. The boss gets to hear what their employees really think AND save face.

As a result, it is not uncommon to see a businessman (suit, briefcase and all), sitting in a pile of their own vomit. Even more common, random businessmen passed out at train stations. No, I'm not joking, and no, this isn't an isolated incident.

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