Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Goodbye Japan!

I can't believe 10 months have flown by already! The unusual circumstances of this year made it impossible for me to stay longer, and I'm sad about how things turned out. Still, I'm super excited to be going home :)

Top 5 things I won't miss:

5. Earthquakes!
4. The ridiculous (and often seasonally inappropriate) fashion.
3. My crappy housing.
2. Not getting paid for work hours, and the office culture in general.
1. The crowded trains full of dirty businessmen.

Top 5 things I will miss:
5. The traveling, especially Shirakawa-go.
4. Tempura.
3. Gardens.
2. The amazing public transportation network.
1. The customer service.

And of course, my friend Kazuko!

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