Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tokyo Neighborhoods: Shinjuku

Shinjuku is Tokyo's business district, full of massive buildings and company headquarters. It is a strange neighbor to Shibuya, though maybe not so strange if you factor in compensated dating. The only time I come to Shinjuku is when I have to engage in one of two super fun activities: a meeting at my company's headquarters, or a dentist appointment.

This is the massive city hall from a different angle; take note of the motorcycle for scale.
This ultra modern fountain really reminds me of Toronto.
Random/artsy office building.
Shinjuku station.
There are still many little alley's with tiny hole in the wall restaurants and generators everywhere. It's a sharp contrast with the very sleek and modern office buildings just blocks away.
Where you have Japanese businessmen, you also have strange shops that sell all kinds of comic books or random toys.
And the slightly less modern buildings of Shinjuku.

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