Thursday, November 3, 2011


Since I like flowers, I decided to study the art of Ikebana - Japanese flower arrangement. Minimalism is key and angles are very important, so obviously, I had problems with this. During my first lesson my instructor insisted my angles were wrong, and with her mere touch she would make the arrangement perfect. She kept explaining her changes and I pretended to see the difference. It was very discouraging, but I still managed to make some nice arrangements. I was even able to rearrange them after class, back at my apartment.

My second class was also difficult, because I actually had to cut off one of these beautiful trumpet lily flowers. Again, minimalism is key.

This was the first arrangement I was complemented on, and most of it was still created by the teacher.

Arrangement 3: the teacher wanted to get rid of one of the roses, but I objected.

Arrangement 4: My least favorite; it looks like the sunflowers are in prison.

Arrangement 6 was a success...
Here's proof that I made it.
Arrangement 7 was my biggest success. My teacher oohed and aahed, and called the class over to look at it. It has been frequently compared to a bird in flight.
Here's more proof that it's mine.
The last arrangement was also a success (yay!) and it meant that I had completed the beginner's course. I would like to continue, so I bought a book and all the tools to ikebananize my future home.

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