Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Best Customer Service Ever

Getting internet was surprisingly easy. The people here are so nice, and even though most of them don't speak English, they're eager to help you.

I got my phone and internet from a huge computer store where they also had representatives from different providers. I kept asking the internet guy the same questions in different ways, to make sure that he understood me correctly. He barely spoke English and I don't speak any Japanese of course, but he still worked with me until 11pm hooking me up (the store closes at 10pm but I got there at 9.45pm). On top of that, I quickly noticed he was very sick, coughing up a storm, but he was determined to do his job.

All the paperwork was in Japanese, and also had to be filled out in Japanese, so he helped me write my address and even my name in Katakana. The funny thing is that Katakana is written as it sounds, not sounded out as it's written, and up until now I had three different people write my name for me (city hall, bank, cell phone, and now internet). This means that there might be four different versions of me in Tokyo right now.

Overall, I was amazed at how quickly everything got set up, despite the language barrier. Best customer service ever.

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